Well hello there, my lovely reader. 

I’m so happy to have you over here on my blog, and today I want to talk to you about the extra costs of a personal brand photoshoot. 

So let’s drive straight in. 

The first and main cost of a brand photoshoot is obviously your brand photographer. At the time of writing this blog (May 2024), my fee for a brand photoshoot is £2222. 

This takes into account my expertise as a portrait photographer and a branding expert, as well as my unique Sales Boost Brand formula that I apply to every single one of my photoshoots to help my clients make even more sales, by letting their branding and their brand photos do the heavy lifting for them. 

I am able to offer payment plans - either 2 x £1111 or 3 x £777

But what other costs should you expect? 

Location, location, location

The second biggest cost is the location hire. 

Don’t underestimate the impact of choosing the right location for your brand photoshoot. Finding the perfect backdrop is essential for creating strong brand photos. 

The ideal location will directly reflect your brand’s identity. 

If you’re a financial coach focused on empowering women to take control of their finances, you may choose a location with bold decor and a sense of wealth about it. If you’re a life balance coach helping women find the right harmony between being a mum and running their business, a cosy and inviting backdrop may be more suitable. If you're a VA promising your clients a clear and organised life, you may wish to choose a sleek and modern backdrop to emphasise the focus and the organisation. Each of these scenarios reinforces your brand message.  

I’ve already written a blog post about choosing the right location for your brand photoshoot, so you can find more info about it here. 

Hiring the right location can cost anything from £500 to £1500, and while I completely understand the desire to sometimes keep costs down, the point of this blog post is to highlight that choosing the right location is part of the investment you make when you book a personal brand shoot. The right location can elevate your brand image, strengthen your message and help you stand out from the competition. 

Some locations accept a deposit payment at the time of booking with the outstanding amount due a week or two before your photoshoot. Others request the payment in full upfront.

These costs are of course tax-deductible as they form part of your brand photoshoot.

Clothes shopping

You may already have some outfits that you know you want to wear for your brand photoshoot. Or you may see this as the perfect opportunity to go shopping. 

One thing I get asked all the time is “What should I wear to my brand photoshoot?”and quite frankly this is a blog in its own right, but for now all I’m going to say is wear outfits that MAKE YOU HAPPY. 

If it doesn’t make you happy. If you feel even a little bit uncomfortable, either physically or energetically (you know what I mean) don’t wear it. It’s not worth it! 

Only wear outfits that make you happy! 

Depending on your niche, your brand and your values, your outfits may be from high street brands or you may need a more sophisticated look.

One option would be to hire an outfit from companies such Girl Meets Dress allowing you to keep your costs down significantly. 

If you’re opting for high street outfits, just keep in mind that a lot of retailers have put measures in place against people buying outfits and returning them ‘unworn’. So if you were hoping to return them after your photoshoot, this may not be possible. 

If your budget allows, you could consider using a personal stylist to either recommend outfits or even come shopping with you. I know several and would happily recommend them, if you drop me a message. 

Personal stylist packages start at £300 but can go up to £1000. 

The clothes themselves may not be tax deductible, but the cost of the stylist would be.

The week before the shoot

You may choose to have a hair appointment prior to your photoshoot, either for a haircut or a colour, or both.

My only advice on this is not to leave it until the day before. Book your hairdresser for the week before your shoot.

If you diary allows, treat yourself and book a manicure or a massage the day before your shoot. A manicure in your brand colours would be a beautiful touch for your photos, while getting a cheeky massage in the middle of the day will help you shift into the mindset and the identity of the CEO you want to be.

This is all great fun, and it will make a huge difference for you on your photoshoot day, having said that, there are costs associated with it.

It's unlikely that any of these costs would be tax deductible.

Hair and make-up

The majority of my clients choose to have their hair and make-up done the morning of the photoshoot. I have worked with various hair and make-up artists and am able to recommend.

Their fee is usually £150-£200 for both hair and make up but can cost more if we want them to stay longer for any touch-ups or style changes. 

Is it what you were expecting?

So all in all - the additional costs of a brand photoshoot can range between an additional £1000 to an additional £4000-£5000

I haven’t written this blog to put you off booking a brand photoshoot … quite the contrary. I want you to still go ahead and book your brand photoshoot but I also want you to do it, being fully aware of all the costs involved and making an informed decision.

If you have any questions, or would like to discuss your options about booking a brand photoshoot with me, get in touch.